This article is intended to help faculty determine which students are cleared for graduation and how to indicate tickets were given out.
Self-Service on browser
Graduation Clearance on Self-Service
Log into Manhattan College Self-Service.
Under the Administrators tab, click on Update Student Graduation Information.

The following screen allows the user to filter through students by school and degree level. Once the desired parameters have been selected, click Choose Term and College.

The following screen shows a list of graduating students. Click on the student whose clearance must be checked, scroll down to the bottom and click Proceed.

The following screen shows specific information about the selected student, such as whether he/she has fulfilled the necessary commencement requirements. The box at the bottom indicates whether the student has been given his or her tickets for graduation yet.

To see a list of students who have submitted all of the requirements successfully, click on Graduation Clearance: View Eligible Students in the Administrators tab.
The list will appear in the following screen, and the user can also narrow it down by degree and school.