Adding a Knowledge Base Article to your Favorites


A guide on adding Knowledge Base Articles to your favorites to make them easier to find.



To favorite an article, you must first be signed into the Knowledge Base using your JasperNet credentials.


Web Browser


  1. Once logged in, find a Knowledge Base Article that you like or is helpful to you. Once you open the article, you will see a menu on the right hand side. Within this menu, select Add to Favorites. adding a Knowledge Base Article to favorites using the menu on the right hand side
  2. After you have favorited an article, you can find any articles you have favorited by navigating to the My Favorites tab at the top of the Knowledge Base. The My Favorites tab can always be found near the top of the Knowledge Base for easy use. accessing your favorite articles using the my favorites tab at the top of the knowledge base
  3. The Service Catalog also contains a Favorites feature which allows you to add your favorites services to a My Favorites list. While the Service Catalog Favorites work the same way as the Knowledge Base Favorites, these features are separate and you must be in the Knowledge Base to view your favorite articles and likewise for the Service Catalog.

For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.



Article ID: 79301
Wed 5/29/19 2:15 PM
Mon 10/28/19 3:11 PM