Articles give instructions for the technology in Kelly Commons 4th & 5th Floor.

Articles (8)

Kelly Commons 3B Podium Guide

A guide on using the Crestron control unit in Kelly Commons 3B

Kelly Commons 4A, 4B, and 4C Podium Guide

A guide on the podium in Kelly Commons 4A, 4B, and 4C. This guide also explains the overflow mode which controls how the rooms can be set up differently.

Kelly Commons 5A and 5C Podium Guide

This podium guide details all the features of the touch Crestron Unit found in Kelly Commons 5A and 5C.

Kelly Commons 5A, B & C Projector Guiding Signals for Troubleshooting

Instructions to interpret error indicators and warning messages to the projectors on the 5th floor of Kelly Commons.

Kelly Commons 5B Podium Guide

This podium guide details all the features of the touch Crestron Unit found in Kelly Commons 5B.

Troubleshooting Crestron Units in Kelly Commons: 4A, B & C

Instructions for resetting a Crestron Control Unit in Kelly Commons 4A, B & C.

Troubleshooting Crestron Units in Kelly Commons: 4A, B & C

Instructions for resetting a Crestron Control Unit in Kelly Commons 4A, B & C.