This article reviews the Plan Ahead section of Banner Self Service 9 Registration. Here you are able to make a schedule plan that you can quickly add when it comes time to register vs having to build out your schedule when registration opens.
Banner Self Service 9 on a desktop browser.
- Navigate to Banner Self Service 9 Registration as you normally would.
- Click Plan Ahead.
- Select the term. The current term would normally populate.
- Click Continue.
- If you have a prior plan it will show below the + Create a New Plan.
- To edit a plan, click Edit to the right of the desired plan.
- To delete a plan, click Delete to the right of the desired plan.
- To create a new plan, click + Create a New Plan.
- For the purpose of this article, we will create a new plan, so click + Create a New Plan to continue.
- The top area entitled "Find Classes" is where you are able to search for classes to add to your schedule. Note that leaving the search fields empty will return all courses.
- The bottom right area displays your plan.
- The bottom left area displays your schedule. You can swap between a weekly calendar view or a detailed view.
- You can drag and drop at the panel edges to increase or decrease the panel size.
- You can click the arrow at the panel edges to hide the panel or return it to view.
- Clicking the Panels button at the bottom left will show and hide the bottom panels.
- Note that in Plan Ahead you are able to add courses that you are not eligible to take. When it comes time to register, these courses will not be able to be added to your schedule.
- You can add notes to your plan using the icon that looks like a yellow post it note with a +.
- Once you run the search, you will be able to view sections of a course. You can also just click + Add Course to add the course to your plan.
Hint: (To use the plan to register for classes, you must select a particular section vs adding the course.)
- To search again, click Search Again at the top right of the Find Classes pane.
- The view sections screen provides details including Meeting times and seats available.
- To add a section to your plan, click Add to the right of the desired section.
- Make sure to click Save Plan at the bottom right when done. Note that if you do not, your changes are not automatically saved and will be lost.
- Check out the article on how to register to see how your plan is used when registering for classes.
For more help, please contact Registrar at