This article reviews the Prepare for Registration section of the Banner Self Service 9 Registration module.
Banner Self Service 9 on desktop browser.
- Navigate to the Banner Self Service 9 Registration module as described in this article.
- Click Prepare for Registration at the top left.
- Select the term that you will be registering for. Note that only available terms will be available from the list.
- Click Continue.
- Your Registration Status will now show up.
- Ideally everything shows up with a green check mark under term. This indicates that you are good to go when registration becomes available. If anything has a red exclamation point, you must contact the correct entity to get it resolved prior to registration day.
- Under the term section is the Earned Hours section which shows all your earned credits for your degrees.
- On the right side of the screen shows Primary Curriculum, which is your last degree you earned or are working toward.
For more help, please contact the Registrar at registrar@manhattan.edu.