Google Drive provides the ability for advanced sharing options for files. This means that you can easily specify who accesses what and how they can access files.
Google Drive
- When sharing a file in Google Drive, you can select the Gear icon for additional sharing options.

- These additional sharing options can control if editors can change permisisons and share the doc. You may or may not want this enabled for your file if you want people to make changes to the file without being able to affect other people's access.

- Back on the initial share screen, you can also specfiy who has access to the link if you wish to share the file via a link.

- The different levels of access that you can specify are Restricted, meaning that only those were shared the file via the Share button can access the file using the link, Manhattan College, meaning that only those with Manhattan College accounts can access the file, or Public, meaning that anyone in the world can access the file with the link.

For more help, please contact ITS at its@manhattan.edu or 718-862-7973.