This article describes how to use Zotero with Google Doc.
Google Docs.
How to add a citation
Step 1.
Click this link and select "Add to chrome" then click "Add extension".
Step 2.
Open a document on Google Doc. At the top of the page click Zotero.

Step 3.
Click Add/edit citation, a citation menu will appear. Use this menu to search for the source you are citing.

Step 4.
Select an item by clicking on it or by pressing Enter on your keyboard when the item is highlighted. The item will appear in the dialog box in a shaded bubble. Press Enter on your keyboard again to insert the citation and close the Add Citation box.
How to add a bibliography
Step 1.
Open a document on Google Doc, at the top of the page click Zotero.
Step 2.
Put your pointer where you want to add a bibliography and click Add/edit bibliography.
Step 3.
You can edit which items appear in the bibliography by clicking the Add/edit bibliography button again, which will open the bibliography editor.
For more information click here.