Steps on how to create an appointment schedule in Google Calendar.
Applies to Windows or Mac, Google Chrome, etc.
Create an Appointment Schedule in Google Calendar
1.On your computer, open Google Calendar.
2. Click the Create button

3. A drop down menu will appear. Then click appointment schedule

4. You can add a title to your appointment event and length of the appointment.

5. Below is the general availability. Add the time and date you will be unavailable or available throughout the day.

6. If you have a range of time you would like to have to book appointments you can use the scheduling window to limit to that period.

7. Adjusted availability is used if during a specific month or day you will have a specific schedule/ availability. Click on the date you will have a specific availability and add it to the calendar.

-Below is what the adjusted availability will look like and will be added to your calendar.

8. Click on the check box if you would like to add time between appointment slots or limit appointments in a day.

9. Then click on the next button
10. Add a description or note. This will appear on your booking page and confirmation email.

11. You can add a required phone number or custom communication for people to use when booking an appointment. Click the add an Item Icon.

12. Click the reminder box to remind people of their confirmed appointment. There will be a drop down menu of specified time ranges you would like to remind them

13. Then Click Save. Your bookable appointment schedule is now added to the calendar.

For more help, please contact ITS at its@manhattan.edu or 718-862-7973.