How to Complete the Senior Administration/Professional Administrative Staff Annual Performance Appraisal (Admin)


This article is a step-by-step guide on How to Complete the Senior Administration/Professional Administrative Staff Annual Performance Appraisal (Admin).


Google Forms


  1. Navigate to the admin performance appraisal form.


  1. Begin by confirming your email. This will read with your email address.  It must be recorded to proceed, and only indicates that you are the one completing the form. You confirm by checking the box.

    Image with checked box for email recording.


  1.  After completing the employee name and position title, you will then fill out the next portion of the form that communicates the employee's last appraisal, time in their position and start of their employment at the College.

Image of the Appraisal Information Section of the form


4. Begin by filling in the required employee information. If the job description needs to be corrected or updated, make the necessary changes. Follow the on-screen instructions, which will guide you through each section of the form. Complete all the questions in the section before proceeding. At the end of each section, click next located at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the next section depending on what your answers are.

date of appraisal

  1. Now you will conduct the Performance Rating Scale, as you have in the past. Each question will have a rating scale, and space for comments. Comments are strongly encouraged, but, not required for each rating.
    rating scale


  1. Complete the Supervisory section if applicable

supervisory position section

  1. Complete the Total Overall Performance Rating section.

total performance rating

  1. Complete the Goals and Objectives section.

    Goals and Objectives

    If the employee’s performance has not been satisfactory, you will be taken to another section where you fill out Performance Development Plan and Required Changes.

Performance Development Plan

  1. Complete the Consensus section.


If the employee's performance needs improvement, you will be sent to another section where you choose when the next review will be conducted and if you suggest a partial or postponed increase.

performance needs improvement

  1. The next section is optional. It allows you to submit Additional Comments and Supplementary Material.

Additional Comments and Supplementary Material

  1. This part of the form completes the routing for you. You include three emails here:

    1. The person being evaluated

    2. Your email

    3. The person at the next organizational level from you, often, your VP.

All emails must be complete with E.g., jumpteam would not be acceptable. It would need to read:

reviewer's email


  1. This screen means you have successfully completed the evaluation.

Form submitted screen


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