Below are some of the common reasons why users may receive an error message when logging in to their JasperNet email account:
1. If you are on a screen that looks like the one below, you must enter your full email address (including the ""portion):

2. If you are on a screen that looks like the one below, enter ONLY your JasperNet ID (leave out the "" as it is implied):

3. Be sure that you are typing the correct password for your JasperNet ID.
4. If you need to reset your password (and you have a personal email address on record), you can do so at: Manhattan College Start Link
5. If you are experiencing strange behavior when attempting to log in to the portal, please try closing the browser down completely and then logging in to a JasperNet service by typing in your JasperNet ID in all lowercase. For example, if you logged in as "Training.User1" you might have trouble logging into the Portal, but if you log in as "training.user1" (in all lowercase) you shouldn't have any issues.
If you have any further trouble, please contact us at or (718) 862-7973.