The purpose of this Knowledge Base Article is to instruct you on the best course of action to take if your account has been compromised or if you are not sure if your account has been compromised.
Perform a Google Security Check-up:
This Google page walks you through the process:
As you click through the Google Security Check-up in the fourth section entitled "Check your account permissions" look for any apps that seem suspicious. Note that you can expand each app to see more information such as the date enabled by clicking the down arrow as shown below. For good measure, you should remove any apps added around the time of the phishing attack:

Change your JasperNet account password:
This Manhattan College page brings you to the page where you can reset your password.
Additional Resources:
Check your JasperNet account's recent activity:
This Google article explains how to check and interpret the recent activity of your account:
Check your Gmail's "Forwarding" Settings:
This Google article explains how to check whether your account is set up to forward emails. Remove any forwarding addresses that you did not set up yourself:
If you have any further trouble, please contact us at or (718) 862-7973.