The Jamboard is an interactive white board that supports group work and collaboration in the cloud, known as "jams." Clients are able to upload files from their Google Drive and easily add collaborators to their "Jam."
From time to time, it is necessary to perform a manual reboot of the Jamboard so that the cache is cleared, especially if many clients have heavily used the Jamboard.
The Jamboard runs on an Android environment and Google pushes updates and reboots to the Jamboard.
- Locate the power button for the Jamboard.
- The power button found on the lower right of the back side of the Jamboard (as you face the device.)

- The power button is the third button down labeled: Power
- Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds which will power off the Jamboard.
Hint: Allow the Jamboard to remain off for about 1 minute.
- Power the Jamboard back ON again, by pressing the Power button.
For further support or other issues please refer to: Google's Jamboard Help site.