To connect to the printer in Miguel 218, you must add the printer to your computer via the IP address method.
Windows and Mac
- Click on the Start icon and select the Settings icon.
- Choose Devices icon.
- On the left side you will see the option for Printers and Scanners.
- Select Add a printer or scanner.
- After a few seconds of searching it will say "The printer that I want isn't listed." This is what you will select.

- You’ll now get an Add Printer window where there is the ability to add a printer via a TCP/IP address.
- Once you select Next, you will be asked to type a printer hostname or IP address. You will want to enter the IP address that is located on the printer's display into the Hostname or IP address field.
- It may ask if you want to share the printer, select Do not share and select Next.
- Now you can assign a name for this printer on your device. For example, you can name it, MGL 218 Printer.
- Make sure when printing a document that you select the correct print destination.
To add this this pritner to your list of available printers: Choose Apple menu (this is the Apple Icon in the top left corner of your screen) > System Preferences, then select Printers & Scanners.
Select Add (the plus sign) from the printer list and select IP from the top of the window. 
Enter the printer’s IP address in the Address field. (a number that looks like
Enter a descriptive name for the printer in the Name field (for example, MGL 218), so you can identify it in the Printer pop-up menu. 
Make sure when printing a document that you select the correct print destination.
Partially reposted from: macOS Sierra: Add or remove a printer