You are trying to create a TurnItIn login and can not do so. You may have received the below screenshot:

Turnitin has been integrated with Moodle at Manhattan College since Manhattan College began using Moodle. Accounts have not been created manually since that time. Turnitin Instructor accounts are automatically created for Instructors at Manhattan College when they add a Turnitin Assignment to a Moodle Course.
If an Instructor doesn't yet have a Turnitin account, and wants to use Turnitin for something outside of Moodle, the Instructor should set up the account using the following approach:
1) Create a Turnitin Assignment in a course in Moodle. This will automatically create a Turnitin account for the instructor.
2) The Instructor can then log into with their MC email address and then do a password reset/forgotten password.
For more resources review:
Creating a Turnitin Account in Moodle
Turnitin Help Center
For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.