This article gives a brief overview of navigating the Argos reporting tool.
Desktop browser & Argos Web Viewer
- Navigate to
- Under Banner Prod Links - SSO, click Enterprise Reporting (Argos).
- Login using your Jaspernet credentials.
- Follow the standard Duo prompts.
- Click Argos Web Viewer.
- The left side menu contains the report folders available to you. Use this to navigate to your desired report and click the report you wish to work with. Reports will display on the right side once you enter the folders on the left.
- Depending on how your report was created it may display differently. Depending on the amount of data in the report, it may take longer to load.
- This is what a report can look like.
- By clicking the little gear on the bottom right of a report box, you are given the options to filter, order columns or export all to CSV. Exporting all to CSV downloads a file that you can manipulate in Excel or Google Sheets.
- Let's look deeper into filtering.
- Click the aforementioned gear icon.
- Click Filter.
- Operator should typically be left alone. Feel free to review the options available.
- You must select the Available field you wish to filter by.
- You must select the value you wish to filter by.
- You must click the + sign to the right to add that filter.
- All selected filters will show in the box underneath where you make your selections.
- Once finished making selections, make sure to click the Apply button on the bottom right of the window.
- Your filtered report should now be displayed.
This concludes the overview of Argos navigation. It is recommended that you reach out to a knowledgeable colleague to learn about specific reports.
For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.