Faculty Laptop Initiative (FLI) Instructions


This article provides the same instructions that you will find when going through the FLI process. It explains the options in detail.



Faculty Laptop Initiative - Request Form

The Faculty Laptop Initiative ensures that Faculty are provided with a modern computing device to be used inside and outside of the classroom. 

Please note that if you choose the Custom option, a quote from an approved vendor through Unimarket (Dell, Govconnection, CDWG, B&H, Apple, etc) is required.


Support for standard or custom models is detailed below:

Rapid replacement support model 
* Replacement models of same/like configuration available for "warranty replacement" during entire cycle 
* Software administratively delivered 
* Drive sync of all user files 

Detailed specs of the standard model can be found in the ITS Computer Recommendations for Employees Knowledge Base Article.

User assisted support model 
* Manufacturer support for all "in-warranty" hardware issues during initial warranty period only
* Software administratively delivered 
* Drive sync of all user files


Extend One Year & Keep

This option allows you to extend your current cycle for one year. At the end of that year you keep your current laptop and are eligible to get a new laptop. Note that your Dean will need to set you as eligible once the new cycle is up. You will NOT automatically be eligible for a new laptop. You WILL have to fill out this form to receive a laptop at that time. This option is only available if you have a Standard laptop.



In very rare cases in which there might be a true and unusual pedagogical reason that a faculty member needs a particular type of laptop (media studies of some type, for example), the custom option may be available. Please review this document which further explains. Remember that this option is rarely approved.

For more help, please contact ITS at its@manhattan.edu or 718-862-7973.



Article ID: 53445
Tue 5/8/18 8:22 AM
Tue 1/18/22 9:31 AM

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This article provides the detailed timeline of the Faculty Laptop Initiative.
This article provides instructions on how to generate a quote for a Custom FLI laptop.
A list of ITS recommended computers for employees including the standard Faculty Laptop Initiative model and standard Computer Lab PC model.