This guide will demonstrate how to provision a new Google Chromebox for meets.
Google Meet.
Adding a Resource
Login to your Google Admin console account
Once you are logged in select building and resources

Under Resource management select Open
Now you have reached the resources section, this is where you will be able to select or add multiple buildings/rooms and assign them to different devices
Select the yellow circle which is the add option

This will open a dialogue box in which you could add several attributes to create a resource.
If you are setting up a device(chromebox/ jamboard) for a specific building/room you will add in the attributes specific to each building/room
When adding in a resource name it will be the name or number of the room for example RLC 103’s resource name will be 103

Once all of the attributes are filled out select Add Resource
Once that is completed you can go back and make changes to your resource by selecting it and editing the fields in which you choose to change
Provisioning a Chromebox for Meets
Gather and setup a mouse, keyboard and the chromebox device you will be provisioning
Turn on the chromebox device
Once it is powered on you will be prompted to enter the username and password of your google admin console account
Once the google account info is entered the chromebox device should be provisioned. You can check this by logging into the google admin console selecting devices and google meets hardware. The device should be listed under provisioned.
Adding a Chromebox for Meets Device to Building Resource
Go to Devices
Select Google meeting room hardware
Select the device you will be adding to a resource
Scroll down until you see calendar assignment, click on the arrow
Click on Room Calendar
Type in the resource you are looking for
Click Save