SGAADVR- Add/Remove Multiple Advisors in Banner


This article will show you how to update a student's advisors in Banner using the SGAADVR form.



Add an Advisor

  1. Login to Banner. Make sure that you are signing in with your Jaspernet credentials.

  2. Once you are logged in, you can use the search bar on the Welcome page to search: “SGAADVR”. A drop down menu should appear, select “Multiple Advisors (SGAADVR)

  3. In the form you will need to enter the STUDENT’S CWID next to the ID box and the Current term.

    You can use the “...” button to the right of the box to search for these items if you do not know them.  

  4. Once you have entered the CWID and Current term you should be redirected to a page that should look like the image below. There should be a few rows containing the names of advisors, and their type of advisement.


  5. To add a new advisor, select “+ Insert” on the top right of screen.


  6. A new row will appear. You can enter the advisor’s CWID or search for them using the “...” button.

    HELPFUL HINT: If you will be doing this frequently, it is recommended that you keep a file with all of the CWIDs you use. Each time you have to search for an advisor, you should add their CWID to your list. This will make the process much easier when you are doing many at a time.


  7. From here you will need to select the advisor type. You can select the “...” button if you are not sure. A box will pop up. (Note: if you are updating advisors who will need to have the Faculty Advisor role in Jasper Connect, choose MAJR even if they are technically a Concentration advisor.)


  8. Once you have entered the faculty member’s ID and assigned them the correct Advisor Type, you can click "Save" in the bottom right hand corner of the page

    Remove an Advisor

1. Highlight the row with the faculty member you wish to delete. It will show up a light blue color. From there select “- Delete” in upper right hand corner of the screen.


2. The row with the faculty member you deleted should disappear. Once disappeared you can select “Save” at the bottom right of the screen. 



Important reminder: Please remember to make sure that the "Primary Indicator" is checked off for the appropriate advisor. It is a college standard that the COLL Level advisor ticked off as the Primary Indicator. There should be ONE advisor checked off. 

For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.



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