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    This article will show you how to take or update your attendance roster using Banner's Attendance Tracking service.
    The approved scanner for purchase.
    A guide on setting up multi-factor authentication on your mobile device.
    How to fix the issue when a Java application is blocked by security settings
    A guide on how to add banner to compatibility mode settings in Internet Explorer
    Resolves an issue in IE where strange text appears and functionality is broken.
    Instructions for setting up Banner 9 to run correctly as a "Trusted Site" using Internet Explorer.
    Accessing a new Banner Forms server for the first time may result in a JAVA permission prompt. 3
    Banner 9 Issue that blocks pop ups from ""
    Fixing Banner access over wifi and off campus
    The new workflow replicates the former spreadsheet process and adds a notification and approval workflow that allows Faculty, Chairs, Deans, and the Provost’s Office to view and manage Faculty Load submissions in a consistent and transparent manner. A number of data points are preloaded from the Banner SIS (Student Information System) and the opportunity exists to correct and/or supplement this data during the submission process.
    A guide on enter Timesheets in Self Service for Student Workers.