Faculty Load Reporting Workflow


The Faculty Load Reporting Workflow replaces the Faculty Load Worksheet Excel spreadsheet.  The workflow adds a notification and approval workflow that allows Faculty, Chairs, Deans, and the Provost’s Office to view and manage Faculty Load submissions in a consistent and transparent manner.  A number of data points are preloaded from the Banner SIS (Student Information System) and the opportunity exists to correct and/or supplement this data during the submission process.

Teaching Assignments

In the workflow, teaching assignments are pre-loaded directly from the Banner SIS (Student Information System).  For phase I, “Load” is pre-calculated based on existing formulas, but available for Faculty to override (with comment).  Make sure to save this section, if changes are made, before moving to the Release Time Assignments section.

Release Time Assignments

Faculty have the ability to add the same Release Time Assignments as defined in the previous Faculty Load Worksheet.  Multiple Release Time Assignments (and corresponding load) can be entered for each term.  Comments may be added for each assignment.

Summary and Submission

Load and other pertinent information are calculated and saved upon update.  Faculty have the ability to update and save the working form at anytime.  The “Submit for Approval” button will submit all data for approval by starting the notification and approval workflow as well as update the submission form to READ-ONLY.  All data submitted for approval will be available via the same form in a read-only configuration throughout the approval process.  The detail and summary of each academic year’s submission will be available to Faculty as a historical archive in future years.

Once the "Submit for Approval"  worksheet is selected, the data will be sent to the Department Chair for Approval, then on to Deans and finally the Provost for Final approval.

Faculty Load Worksheet

To access the Faculty Load Worksheet:

  1. Select Banner Self Services Tab
  2. Select Faculty Services Tab
  3. Select Faculty Work Load Academic Year Submission


Regarding what data selections to make should be directed to your Department Chair.

Regarding workflow from an IT Services perspective should be directed to: its@manhattan.edu.

For more help, please contact ITS at its@manhattan.edu or 718-862-7973.



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