This article will show you how you can respond to and view events that you have been invited to in Google calendar.
Google Calendar on Desktop or PC.
Respond (RSVP) to an Event
1. When you have been invited to an event in Google Calendar you will receive a notification via your email. To respond you can click on Yes, No, or Maybe in the email. Note that for Yes, you can choose if you will be joining the meeting virtually or in person.

View An Event
1. You can view an event by opening your calendar and going to the date of the event.
- Once you have found the desired event, click on it. A window will appear showing the details of the event.

- Here you can see what time the event is, where the event is, any description or added attachments and in some cases the guest list of the event. You can also join a Google Meet directly from the invite by clicking on the "Join with Google Meet" button.

For more help, please contact ITS at its@manhattan.edu or 718-862-7973.