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    A guide on creating events in 25Live Pro.
    A guide on viewing the changes made to an event using the Audit Trail feature in 25Live Pro.
    A guide on viewing event details in 25Live Pro.
    A guide for cancelling an event in 25Live Pro.
    A guide on copying an event in 25Live Pro.
    A guide on checking the approver status as well as the names of the space approvers in 25Live Pro.
    A guide on editing an event in 25Live Pro.
    An introduction to 25Live
    A guide on invited a Google Group to a Google Calendar event.
    This articles uses pictures to describe step by step how to create a Google Meet in your Google Calendar that will not expire.
    A guide explaining how to use Google Groups to make dealing with large numbers of emails much easier, especially for inviting many people to calendar events.