Faculty Workload FAQ

Question: As a chairperson do you approve your own workload submissions?

Answer: Yes, chairs must approve their own work loads. Chairs must approve their own submissions in order to move to the next approval, which is the dean.

Question: Do I include intersession and summer courses?

Answer: No. Only Fall and Spring courses should be included.

Question: When is this due for Faculty? 

Answer: March 22, 2024

Question: Do faculty on phased retirement fill this out?

Answer: Yes. All Full Time Faculty fill this out.

Question: Can I save my submission?

Answer: Yes. You can print the screen to PDF before closing out the window by right clicking the screen and selecting print. Select Save to PDF as your printer.​​​​​​  Save Web Page to PDF Article.

Question: Do I need to enter anything in release time if I have nothing to enter?

Answer: No. As long as you don't add anything in the release time section, you can submit.

Question: What is the Over/Under in the General Course Statistics section?

Answer: 21 is the threshold for workload.

Question: What to do when you receive an error stating that you are not eligible to fill out the form.

Answer: If you are on a full year sabbatical (No classes taught Fall or Spring), there is no need to complete a form. If you are not on a full year sabbatical, contact anne.morrison@manhattan.edu for more information.

Question: Why don't I see the submit button?

Answer: You have to make sure that all comment and load feeds have data entered. NO blanks.

Question: I am on a full year sabbatical. Do I need to fill out this form?

Answer: No. You only fill out the form if you taught classes the Fall or Spring semester.


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