Question: As a chairperson do you approve your own workload submissions?
Answer: Yes, chairs must approve their own work loads. Chairs must approve their own submissions in order to move to the next approval, which is the dean.
Question: Do I include intersession and summer courses?
Answer: No. Only Fall and Spring courses should be included.
Question: When is this due for Faculty?
Answer: March 22, 2024
Question: Do faculty on phased retirement fill this out?
Answer: Yes. All Full Time Faculty fill this out.
Question: Can I save my submission?
Answer: Yes. You can print the screen to PDF before closing out the window by right clicking the screen and selecting print. Select Save to PDF as your printer. Save Web Page to PDF Article.
Question: Do I need to enter anything in release time if I have nothing to enter?
Answer: No. As long as you don't add anything in the release time section, you can submit.
Question: What is the Over/Under in the General Course Statistics section?
Answer: 21 is the threshold for workload.
Question: What to do when you receive an error stating that you are not eligible to fill out the form.
Answer: If you are on a full year sabbatical (No classes taught Fall or Spring), there is no need to complete a form. If you are not on a full year sabbatical, contact for more information.
Question: Why don't I see the submit button?
Answer: You have to make sure that all comment and load feeds have data entered. NO blanks.
Question: I am on a full year sabbatical. Do I need to fill out this form?
Answer: No. You only fill out the form if you taught classes the Fall or Spring semester.