Getting Started at Manhattan College: Student Guide

This is a list of the college’s web resources that would be most helpful to new students. Remember that your JasperNet username and password work for all of the items listed below.

DegreeWorks allows you to access an academic advising and degree audit tool that helps navigate curriculum requirements.

E2CAMPUS is Manhattan College’s E2CAMPUS emergency notification system.  The system notifies users if there is a situation that may pose a threat to the safety, health or well-being of members of our community and/or weather situations that may interrupt scheduled classes or activities. Once you register for alerts through a link on this page, you will be notified via text message and email of any emergency notifications.

Free Software Available for Students

Glance MC App Meet Glance MC - A student-created mobile app to help students quickly tackle everyday tasks at Manhattan College using their ubiquitous smartphone. Employees will also find this app useful, as it allows them to quickly access Company Directory and School Calendar.

Gmail is the college email system.  Manhattan College utilizes Google Apps for email, calendar, drive, and more. 

Google Drive is a cloud based storage that Manhattan College offers via Google Apps. You can share files on this system.

Google Calendar is a link to the college calendar, where you can see other students free/busy time to more easily schedule meetings, or load the Academic Calendar onto your calendar for easier planning. Manhattan College Calendar of Events  This is a link to the Manhattan College Calendar of Events.

Please make sure your personal email is up to date:  Instructions for How to Update Your Personal Email

Manhattan College's  ITS Blog is the best place to stay abreast of developments in Manhattan College ITS as well as learn tips and tricks about various technologies. Subscribe to the ITS Blog.

ITS Cyber Safety Resources

ITS Knowledge Base offers an extensive variety of Knowledge Base Articles complete with step by step instructions and tutorials on how use  most of  the systems offered on campus.

ITS Service Catalog  details several different categories of Services ITS can provide, the page also offers you the choice of requesting a service directly from the webpage.

LabSeat: Find an Open Computer on Campus LabSeat software allows you to check computer lab availability on computer labs across campus  in real time before you leave for the lab. Manhattan College's Glance app also has a link to LabSeat so it will be possible to check real time room availability on your cell phone.

This is a link to the Manhattan College Information Technology Services webpage.

Manhattan College Library Site  This is a link to the college library home page. 

Manhattan College Webpage takes you to the Manhattan College home screen..

Moodle is our online Learning Management System. Moodle software delivers effective online learning environments which prepare students to achieve high levels of information and technology literacy. Students can find a course syllabus, announcements and assignments if Professor is using Moodle.

Instructions for a  New Jaspernet Account Activation

Quick Links is the college’s web portal. This is a great way to see all your most relevant college information in one place.  You can see information like daily announcements, your college calendar, college events, email, and more.

Residence Life Help Request This link will take you to Requests for repairs or other assistance related to residence hall services, this includes Technology (ex Wifi), Housekeeping and Physical Plant. Clients can be submit a request by clicking the "Request Help" button corresponding with the problem you are having. 

Self-Service  is a lightweight interface to the college Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, Banner.  You can do things like review student records, update accuracy of contact details, student housing, review course schedule, check grades.

Using Web Print for Wireless Printing on Campus Manhattan College has incorporated a new feature that allows clients to print wirelessly from their laptops anywhere on campus. PaperCut's Webprint allows you to upload PDF files and print them at any computer lab on campus.


If you would like to learn more about any of these systems, please contact Client Services: or (718)862-7973.

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