The personal and parents email addresses on your Self Service are used for verification purposes. For this reason, it is very important that they are kept up to date. Sometimes you may have an old personal email on file, if you ever lose access to your Jaspernet account, your personal email is the easiest way to verify who you are in order to quickly restore account access. If there is no personal email on file for verification purposes it becomes necessary to come in person to an IT Services office on campus and show a representative your identification.
The following step-by-step tutorial will guide you through updating your personal or parents email.
Please visit the Self Service Email Page to access the page that allows you to update your personal email address.
This will bring you to a page that looks like the image below:
![image of Email Addresses Screen](https://manhattan.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=80238006-593e-40c6-8695-284df4e84c52.png)
When at the image displayed above complete one of the options displayed below:
- If an email shows up under "Personal Email Address", click on that email. Follow the same rule for the "Parent" email addresses.
- If "Personal Email Address" does not come up, select "Personal Email Address" from the drop down next to "Type of E-mail to Insert". Then click the "Submit" button. Please follow the same instructions if "Parent" email does not come up.
Note that you must only enter one email in each email field.
You will be directed to a page that looks like the image below:
- Type your email in the field that states "URL".
Note that you must only enter one email in each email field.
![image of Email URL screen](https://manhattan.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=0ba6c0e3-8298-4713-9324-888c6c5120a2.png)
Select the Submit button.
If you have any further trouble, please contact us at ITS@manhattan.edu or (718) 862-7973.