O'Malley 104 Media Room
This room is a media room for the library. It features a projector, Apple TV, desktop PC with monitor, and DVD player for various media needs. The projector and all of the sources (desktop PC, laptop, Apple TV, DVD player) are controlled by the Pixie Control Unit located on the wall behind the teacher's station.
Pixie Control Unit:
- The Pixie Control Unit controls powering ON/OFF the projector, as well as source switching (desktop PC, laptop, DVD, Apple TV)
- Power ON the projector by pressing the ON button
- Connect to different source,by pressing the SOURCE button until the desired source (PC, DVD) is displayed on the screen
- A remote is needed to operate the DVD player, it is located on the podium
Connect a laptop:
- Connect the supplied VGA and Audio cable at the podium to your laptop
- Press the SOURCE button on the Pixie Control Unit until the LAPTOP SOURCE is projected

- Please see the related articles for connecting to AirPlay for presenting wirelessly.
If you have any further trouble, please contact us at ITS@manhattan.edu or (718) 862-7973.