Kramer VIA GO Alternate Start Guide

For connecting normally, please see the Kramer VIA Go Quick Start Guide.

image depicting Kramer VIA logoimage depicting AirPlay logo

AirPlay Version 2 Powered by Kramer VIA GO

PC and Mac—Alternative Method


1. Select AirPlay from the podium control unit. Make sure your computer’s WiFi is connected to JASPERNET. This new system allows you to present any mobile device. You can still connect to AirPlay the same way as before. AirParrot does not work with AirPlay, so AirParrot users should use this method to connect, while Mac users can use the previous way of connecting.

2. Open a web browser and in the address bar enter the Room Name as indicated in the VIA GO splash screen.

3. Once the Room Name is entered, you will see the screen below. Select Install VIA and it will proceed to download the install file. Run the install file and follow the included instructions to complete the installation.

image depicting the via install screen

4. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to run the VIA application on your computer. 

Hint: Once the app is installed, you do not need to follow Steps 2-3 again.

5. Open the VIA app. You will be prompted with this login screen. Enter the Room Name again and a nick name for your device. Make this a name that will easily identify who is presenting. After selecting Login, then you will be asked to enter a four digit code, which will appear on the screen. When you are ready to present, select Present on the menu that appears. You can see who else is participating in the presentation by selecting Participants. A maximum of 2 devices may be displayed at once for VIA and AirPlay connections. 

Hint:  You can only present using AirPlay on one device only.


image depicting the connect to a via screen image depicting the via present page onced logged in



VIA GO Alternate Start Guide

Mobile Devices — Alternative Method for iOS/Android


1. Select AirPlay on the podium control unit. You can still connect to AirPlay the same way as before. This new system allows you to present any mobile device.

2. Please download and install the free Kramer VIA app from the App Store or Google Play Store. This app provides an enhanced experience with features such as streaming up to 2 devices.

image depicting the meeting spaces search bar

3. Before connecting, make sure that your date and time are set correctly, and that your device’s operating system is up to date. This can help avoid issues when connecting. Older and outdated devices may not be supported.

4. Once it is downloaded, login by selecting the Spaces tab at the bottom of the screen. Then enter the Room Name in the search bar. Select the plus icon labeled Join. Then you will be asked to enter a nick name. Make sure to enter a Nick Name that will easily identify who is presenting. Then it will ask for the four digit room code.

5. Select Present once you are logged in. Note that the VIA GO system cannot present your mobile device outside of the app itself. Once you exit the app on iOS, you will be disconnected and will have to reconnect. With Android, exiting the app will not disconnect unless you quit the app.

6. A maximum of 2 devices may be displayed at once for VIA and AirPlay connections.

Hint: Note that you can only present using AirPlay on one device only.

7. Within the VIA app, you can access many different tools such as a web browser, Google Drive, iCloud, Photos and more. Google Drive only allows you to present certain files such as PDF, JPG, and MP4 only. For better streaming, it is better to send the YouTube link to the device for less lag.

8. When you are done presenting on your device, remember to log out of the app by selecting Log Off.


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