Using Speech to Text Tools for Windows


Speech recognition tools allow you to dictate words to your computer instead of using a keyboard. This is especially useful for Microsoft Word documents. For speech recognition to work on your computer, you must have a microphone connected. When following these steps, you may be asked to allow permission for your microphone to be used, select Allow.

Tools such as these can make it much easier to put your thoughts to text without having to type on a keyboard.



Office 365


Microsoft Word

Hint: While Windows has it's own Speech Recognition software for the entire computer, Microsoft Word has its own dictation feature only available for Office 365 subscriptions on Windows devices. If you have a Mac device, please see the related article to the right of this page.


  1. In a Word document, select the Home button on the ribbon so that the menu appears. Then, all the way to the right, you will find a button labeled Dictate next to the Find, Replace, and Select buttons. image depicting the dictate button in microsoft word
  2. Once you select the Dictate button, you will notice that a red dot appears over the icon as shown. This indicates that Word is currently listening to your voice, and it will type out whatever you say. image depicting the dictate button when it is listening
  3. There is also the option to change the language in the dropdown menu beneath the Dictate button.
  4. When you are done speaking, you can select the Dictate button again so that Word stops listening. Note this feature is also available for PowerPoint as long as you have the Office 365 edition installed.

For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.

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Article ID: 78276
Tue 5/14/19 12:24 PM
Mon 10/28/19 3:11 PM

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