When setting up a video meeting in a room, it is important to follow these best practices to ensure a more successful video conference meeting.
Video Conferencing Best Practices
Follow these tips to ensure a more successful video conferencing meeting.
Establish visual cues, such as raising your hand, to indicate contributions from remote and on site participants. (Not necessary for small groups.)
Ask an on site participant to make sure that remote participants are connected and included in any side conversations during the meeting. If you are having a large meeting (more than10 people), the best practice would be to have a facilitator make sure all voices are heard, this should not be the leader.
ITS recommends: Jabra Speak 510. A portable speakerphone, which allows for clearer conversations and more efficient meetings.
Hint: Please mute yourself when you are not speaking to avoid echoing during the meeting.
Set up the video camera across from the whiteboard so it is easier for remote participants to see it.
Create a backup communication plan in case you have trouble connecting with remote participants. A backup plan can include asking on site participants to connect to the meeting through their laptops, or putting a cell phone on speaker and collaborating through a brainstorming tool. For example open a Google Doc to share the meeting notes and include all participants. Or start a Google Meet as a back channel, to make sure all voices are heard.
Pre load all your content. Allow your content enough time to upload before use.
Please consider leaving your meeting and then rejoining it if you are experiencing any connectivity or audio issues.
Additional Resources
Please see this link for more best practices and troubleshooting tips: Video Conferencing Best Practices and Troubleshooting
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