Banner 9 - Internet Explorer showing {{'welcomeLabel'|i18n}}


There is a known issue that negatively affects Banner 9 in Internet Explorer. If the "" domain is not listed as a "Trusted Site" in the Windows "Internet Options" settings, certain aspects of the application will not be allowed to run causing strange text to appear and certain functionality to be broken.

This is what it looks like when it is broken:

Picture of Banner 9 when it is broken.


This issue affects users that run Internet Explorer to access Banner 9 on any version of Windows: 7, 8, 10, etc.


If Protected Mode is enabled, JavaScript will not run and pages will hang or show JavaScript code like: {{'facultyAttendanceTracking.courseSection' | i18n}}


  1. Click on the Start menu and search for Internet Options:

Picture of the start menu showing Internet Options

  1. Follow the steps in RED in the screenshot below, adding https://* to the list of Trusted sites:

Picture showing steps to take: click in the security tab, click on trusted sites, click the sites button, enter https://*, click add, click close, click ok

  1. Close the Banner 9 tab in Internet Explorer.
  2. Re-navigate to Banner 9. This time it should load and say "Welcome" instead of {{'welcomeLabel'|i18n}}
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Article ID: 33389
Mon 7/17/17 10:48 AM
Mon 10/28/19 3:29 PM