List of Podium Guides

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A guide on how to fix certain issues on a Black Hall control unit
A guide on how to use the technology found in Chancellor's Room.
This podium guide details all the features of the Crestron Combined Input Podium Guide with the Kramer system. This system is found in HAY 201 and 202, DLS 307 and 312, MGL 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, and 314, LEO 102, 242, 259, 330, 333 and 430.
This podium guide details all the features of the Crestron Unit found in DLS 209 (Stations C) "Couch Area"
This podium guide details all the features of the Crestron Unit found in DLS 209 (Stations A-E)
Podium Guide for the Touch Crestron Units
A podium guide on the technology found in DLS 300 "Capalbo Room."
This podium guide details all the features of Crestron Combined Input Podium Guide in other Crestron rooms found on campus
A guide on the technology and equipment for Hayden 100 podium guide
A guide on the podium in Kelly Commons 4A, 4B, and 4C. This guide also explains the overflow mode which controls how the rooms can be set up differently.
This podium guide details all the features of the touch Crestron Unit found in Kelly Commons 5A and 5C.
This podium guide details all the features of the touch Crestron Unit found in Kelly Commons 5B.
This podium guide details all the features of a Pixie Control Unit. Rooms that contain Pixie units are LEO 215, RLC 102, 104, 105, 107, and OMAL 104, and 410.
This podium guide details all the features of Crestron Combined Input Podium Guide in MGL 312
A podium guide explaining how to use the podium technology that is found in Smith Auditorium
Podium guide for Thomas Hall 3.40
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A guide on how to fix mirroring issues for Mac devices.
This podium guide details all the features of an unrenovated classroom.

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