Notification Emails in Moodle


Notification emails alert students  about events in Moodle such as new announcements, discussion posts, assignments, grades etc. In the event a student has not been receiving emails from Moodle announcements in their classes when other students in the same classes have been receiving them, there is a chance the Notification setting has been turned off.


  • Navigate to the "Preferences Section" in Moodle by selecting your name in the upper-right corner of the Moodle Dashboard. 

image of preferences section











  • Select "Notification Preferences" this determines that you receive  emails for events, announcements, assignments etc.


image of notification preferences

Hint: Check your Moodle Preferences, make sure you have your preferences set to receive emails from subscribed forums (which includes the Announcements forums that your instructors use to email classes).


notification preferences screen
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