AirPlay V2 powered by Kramer VIA GO is frozen either when you arrive at the podium or while you are presenting in a classroom.
Whenever wirelessly presenting any device to a Kramer VIA.
If Screen is Already Frozen when you Arrive at the Podium
It is very important to log out of the Kramer VIA App or disconnect from AirPlay when you are finished presenting.
If you do not log out or disconnect from AirPlay on your device, there is a chance that your device will remain projected after you leave the classroom.
Some computers are more likely to stay on after the presenter closes their device, and your screen projection will remain.
If you are trying to present in a room that has a screen that is displaying from a previous presenter, use the room url and try to connect following the Kramer VIA GO Quick Start Guide. or connect using the VIA GO Alternate Instruction Guide for PC & Mac or iOS/Android.
Please review this Making Sure to Disconnect from Kramer VIA GO KBA if you are not able to log out of the current Kramer screen and you are trying to present. your laptop screen.
Once you are logged in select "Present" to remove previous presenter that is frozen on the screen.
If Screen Freezes During a Presentation - Workaround
You may experience an issue where the AirPlay presentation freezes while presenting. This may occur on Apple's Keynote software or Microsoft PowerPoint when leaving the presentation idling. We are actively looking for a resolution for this issue and have contacted the manufacturer. We have discovered this workaround which will fix the frozen screen and allow you to continue presenting: (You will need to review this KBA on the Kramer VIA GO Quick Start Guide for guidance on installing the Kramer app.)
- Once screen is frozen, download and install the Kramer app on your device or you can have someone connect using the Kramer App. A frozen screen may occur during a presentation such as this example screenshot:

- Once logged in with the Kramer app, select the Present button.

- Once both screens are displayed, select the expand button on the Kramer app. Doing this will cause the frozen AirPlay screen to be removed.

- Now you will be able to present again.
If this does not work please contact ITS:
TEL: 718-862-7973