Kramer Troubleshooting: Clear Room Name List in VIA app


This KBA is for troubleshooting Kramer VIA GO login issues when using the VIA app. If you are unable to login in using DNS/room name (Ex: and you receive a login in error pop up on your computer in the lower right-hand side of your screen, these steps can be taken to fix the issue.


This method is meant for PC and Mac.

Hint: If you experience this issue on the mobile device, then you must delete the app and reinstall it.


  1. Open the VIA app and click the Gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.

image depicting the Kramer login page

  1. Select Reset for the Clear History option from the list of preferences.

image depicting the room list manager and how to select all

  1. Then select Yes from the window that asks if you want to start fresh. This will erase any previously connected VIAs.

image depicting the how to delete selected items which will delete saved rooms

  1. Close and reopen the VIA app and login again to confirm if the issue is resolved, if not further troubleshooting will have to be done.
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