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    Troubleshooting flowchart for a STAR helping an instructor with Moodle course access issues.
    Troubleshooting flowchart for a STAR helping a student with Moodle course access issues.
    A guide on how to use Chrome Task Manager to troubleshooting any browser issues.
    A guide on how to fix the corrupt profile notification that you may receive when logging back in too quickly after logging out.
    A guide on troubleshooting the Kramer VIA GO if typing in the room URL does not work.
    An infographic detailing best practices and troubleshooting tips when participating in a video conference.
    A guide on tips and troubleshooting for the Jamboards on campus
    Instructions for resetting a Crestron Control Unit in Kelly Commons 4A, B & C.
    A guide on the common problems, their causes, and solutions for troubleshooting a projector.