ITS Service Reports

Now and Then Performance Over Time

This report shows year to year statistics for tickets Opened, Closed and Service Level Agreement (SLA) Violations.  It also shows current number of Open tickets in the system.

Tickets Opened Yearly

This report shows ticket counts per year.

Tickets Closed Yearly

This report shows ticket counts per year.

Rooms Currently Experiencing Issues

This report displays all rooms currently experiencing issues, with brief descriptions of issue and current status (Ticket Summary).

Room Ticket Counts

This report displays ticket counts per room over various periods of time.

ITS Survey Data this Month

This report shows ITS survey data for this month.  It also shows SLA violations and ticket count.

ITS Survey Data for the Past Three Months

This report shows ITS survey data for the past three months.  It also shows SLA violations and ticket count for the same period of time.

Client Services (CS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Client Services Create to Respond & Resolve Times.

Operations (Ops) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Operations Create to Respond & Resolve Times.  This report also shows SLA violations.

Knowledge Base Articles (KBA) Counts

This report displays KBA publication counts over various periods of time.


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