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    Services or Offerings?
    ITS provides employees assistance with Access Verify. Access Verify is the system that allows for the tracking of attendance via a Magnetic Card Swipe or Optical Card Reader.

    Requests for API's and Data Integration (Web and Collaboration team). Usually Internal.

    ITS will work with clients to provide functional support or training.

    Axiom is a software product that is used to import data from the common application in the Banner administrative system. The software is used by the undergraduate Admission department.

    Service for reporting issues with Banner 9 update (Summer 2017)

    Technical support for Banner Forms

    Request access for Banner document management

    Request service for Banner document management functional issues

    Request services for Banner document technical issues

    If you would like to request access to an additional Banner form, report, or process, please use this service request.

    The Enterprise Applications Team will assist the End User with regards to Functional questions that arise.

    The Banner Enterprise Data team can work closely with the end user to discuss a departments reporting needs.

    This service type is to be used when an end-user needs to have a new banner report developed.

    The Enterprise Reporting team can assist the End User in their desire to have Banner printing.

    All data refreshes are to be requested and coordinated across the administrative community.