Manhattan College ITS provides all employees and students with a JasperNet account.
- All user accounts are auto generated.
- Student accounts are generated upon successful registration.
- E-mail
- Calendar
- Moodle
- MyMC Portal
- Selfservice
- ​Computer Lab Access
Getting Started
To Activate your account visit the JasperNet Activation Page
To reset your Password: visit the Password Reset Page
To manage your account: Manhattan College Start Page
To request assistance click "Request Service" above. Alternatively, you can also email its@manhattan.edu or call 718-862-7973.
ITS provides support for this service.
Support Availability
Support for this service is available Monday through Friday 9:00AM - 4:30PM
This service is available to the Manhattan College community.
ITS will reply to requests within 6 hours of being placed. ITS will complete requests within one week.