Banner Self-Service Proxy FAQ

  • Which students can set up Proxy Access?
    Any student has the ability to set up Proxy Access. The View/Add Proxy link is located in Self-Service. 
  • Can a student specify multiple Proxies?
    Yes, a student can specify multiple proxies. Each proxy can have different levels of access to the student’s information.
  • Can someone be assigned as a proxy for multiple students?
    Yes, someone can be assigned as a proxy for multiple students. This is particularly useful in the case of siblings attending Manhattan College.
  • Can a proxy call the Registrar if they have questions about the proxy process?
    If a proxy has a question about the functionality of Proxy Access, the proxy should first check the Proxy Access Instruction Guide for Parents/Guardians. If your proxy still has questions after reviewing the guide, they can email questions to:
  • What does a student do when they no longer want a proxy to have access?
    After 25 days, a student can log into Self Service, click on Proxy Management and click on the Trash Can Icon 
  • Will my proxy be notified if a modification to access is made including removing authorization?
    Yes, an email will be sent to the proxy if the student chooses to modify or remove proxy access.
  • What if a student enters wrong information for their proxy?
    If you have entered information incorrectly, you can click on the pencil Icon to edit proxy information
  • Can students view who has accessed information through proxy access?
    Yes under Proxy Management, click on the pencil Icon to view the History tab for accessed information 
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This article reviews the steps to add a proxy to your account.
This article reviews how to manage existing proxies.
This article reviews how to setup your proxy account and how to return to view student's information.

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