Batch Updating Advisors in Banner Forms


In this article we will review how to batch update advisors in Banner Forms.


Banner Forms in a desktop browser.


  • Navigate to Banner Forms as you normally would.
  • Type in "SGAAVRL" which is the Advisors Assignment Rules page. ("The Advisors Assignment Rules page allows you to define rules by different criteria like term, level, degree and so on, and also define multiple advisors for each of the rules. For each of the rules created there should be a primary advisor added to save the rules. The active rules defined on this page are utilized by the Advisors Assignment Process (SGPADVA) to assign advisors on the Multiple Advisors (SGAADVR) page." Taken from:

  • This is where you will generate your rules. Note the section entitled "Advisor Rules". This is where you would determine the filters for your rule. In the current rule selected in the screen shot below you can see that the Effective Term is set to 202420. The College is set to AR for Arts. So this states that all students in the school of arts, effective 202420 will be assigned as determined in the Advisor Information section below, which is Richard Musal.
    • Take note of the following fields for consideration: 
      • Take note of the checkbox to the left under Active. Your rule must be active to take effect.
      • The selected advisor must be set as an advisor prior to the effective term date. This can be checked in form: SIAINST
      • Level (undergraduate or graduate)
      • College (Business, Engineering, etc)
      • Class (Freshman, Sophmore, etc)
  • Take note in the Advisor Information area to indicate the Advisor Type and if this is the primary advisor using the check box.
  • In both areas you can add a rule or add an advisor to a rule by clicking the "Insert" button in the appropriate area.
  • When done, click SAVE at the bottom right.
Hint: (Note that you can add multiple advisors and advisor types to a rule. You do not need to make new rules per advisor or advisor type.)
Hint: (You can not add the same person more than once on the same rule.)
Hint: (You must set a primary advisor to be able to save the rule.)

  • Now that you have created and saved your rule(s), it is time to apply the rule(s).
  • From the Banner home page go to "SGPADVA"

  • This is the Advisor Assignment Process where you will apply your rule(s).
  • Click Go

  • You will want to set the printer to "DATABASE" unless you wish to print this to an actual printer, in which case you should select the appropriate printer.
  • Go down to the PARAMETER VALUES section to set your filters for which population should be updated.
  • Note that you can show all parameters on one page, by selecting 50 from the drop down to the left of "Per Page" at the bottom.
  • The majority of the parameters are optional. You can tell which is required or optional by clicking into them and taking note at the bottom of whether it says Required or Optional. The optional values are for when a new rule is not necessary as you are making a temporary change that should not be saved long term.
  • The required fields are:
    • Effective Term (Term the rule takes effect)
    • Update Term (Term the rule will be updated and start working)
    • Action (A is Assign new advisor and R is replace existing advisor)
    • Run Mode (Make sure to change run mode to U for update vs A for audit. A will simply tell you what changes would be made. U will make the changes. Though if you want to review the changes before applying, A is the way to go.)
  • There are three optional sections here aside from the required fields.
    • 4-6 is focused on setting/replacing a single advisor.
    • 7 - 18 mirrors the options you saw in the form where we were setting rules and works in the same way for this one time change.
    • 20 - 23 allows you to make the change for a specifically predetermined population. See article on population selection for how to determine the population.

  • Fill out all required fields.
  • Fill out any optional fields that you wish to.
  • When done, click into the "SUBMISSION" area at the bottom and then click the SAVE button at the bottom right.

For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.

For Reference links to Ellucian's documentation:

Hint: (You will need an Ellucian Customer Center account to view the above documentation links. If you do not have one yet, please review this article.)


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