This article reviews Microsoft Forms. This is Microsoft's application to create surveys, quizzes, etc.
Microsoft Forms in a desktop browser.
- Navigate to Microsoft Forms using the Microsoft 365 applications menu.
- You will be routed to the Forms main page which displays templates across the top to kick off a new form and forms you created or interacted with at the bottom.
- Select the type of form you want to create. In our example, I am clicking Feedback.
- You will be presented with the template for a feedback form.
- Enter the title of your form where it says "Untitled form"
- Select the type of question you wish to start with. I will choose Rating for this example.
- Enter your question and indicate whether you wish it to be a required question or not.
- If you wish to add more questions, click "Add new question" below your question.
- The style button allows you to set the layout and theme for your survey. You can even add background music.
- The settings button provides some options for your survey. As the options are fairly self explanatory I will not review them all here.
- The Preview button previews how your survey will look to respondents.
- The View Responses button will bring you to a page where you can see your responses.
- The Present button allows you to present the survey to an audience with a QR code, allowing the audience to scan the QR code and respond.
- The Collect responses button allows you to send the survey out or get the URL or link to the survey to provide to respondents.
For more help, please contact ITS at its@manhattan.edu or 718-862-7973.