25Live includes more than 100 standard reports (listed on the 25Live Standard Report Reference page and in the 25Live Standard Reports Examples reference available on the 25Live Documentation page) optimized to be easy to understand with a clear, concise report design. Reports can be generated ad hoc or scheduled (using the 25Live Administration Utility). You can export and save reports in a number of formats (including Excel (.xls, .xlsx), PDF, Word (.doc, .docx), text files, rich text (.rtf), and HTML formats), print reports, or email them.
25Live’s Interactive Report Designer provides the ability to create fully interactive reports with features such as drill-down and drill-to, as well as web controls for filtering, sorting, and navigation. These custom reports or invoices can be fully integrated into 25Live (see the 25Live Custom Report Integration guide available from the 25Live Documentation page and within the Administration Utility). Just ask your Account Manager for help getting set up, then refer to the reference guides (all PDF files), 25Live Interactive Report Designer Quick Start Guide and Creating 25Live Custom Interactive Reports, available from the 25Live Documentation page.
Multiple Report Options
- You may run a report for an individual event or location you're currently viewing.
- There are a wide variety of system or custom reports available from the Reports section to run for events, locations, resources, saved searches, and many other topics.
- You can create and send an Invoice for a specific client organization sponsoring an event, or perform other accounting-related tasks, such as generating aging reports.
See Viewing and Modifying Event Pricing and Generating an Invoice for more detail.
To Run a Report For an Individual Event
- Search for or go to the event.
To search for the event, use the Quick Search events field on your dashboard or the Search section's quick search field, and open the event.
- Select a print option and report name.
In the event details view, open the More Actions menu, and choose the "Print a Report for this Event" option. You can then choose the report name.
You may be able to choose from a variety of event confirmation reports, cost estimates, 25Live event invoice reports, and other reports appropriate to the event type. Reports may not be available for some event types.
- Save or print the report.
25Live Pro prepares the report for you to download and save and/or print. You can save or print the report, as needed, from the new screen.
Reports can be run on sets of multiple events, locations, organizations, resources, and contacts from the Reports section of 25Live.
- Go to the Reports section.
Use the More menu in the top navigation bar to go to the Reports section.
- Select a report to run.
Choose from:
- Starred Reports
- Event Reports
- Location Reports
- Resource Reports
- Other Reports
- Select a report.
Select from the dropdown of available reports, then review the description to learn about the report, its parameters, and output. Use the View Sample Reportlink to see an example image.
- Complete report parameters.
When you've chosen a report from the dropdown list, provide a value for each parameter displayed, if the report uses parameters.
In any search dropdowns in the report's parameters panel, if you do not see a search you wish to use, click the Refresh icon or define and save a new search for use with this report.
- Choose a report delivery option.
You may choose to view the report now in a separate tab or email the report to yourself or someone else, including external contacts. You may also include additional text when emailing to someone else.
- Choose report format options.
Report options often include PDF, Microsoft Excel, Rich Text Format (Microsoft Word), HTML, and plain text. Format options are not available for all reports. If Report Format Options are not available for this report, the report will be delivered as a PDF document, unless Excel is specified in the report name.
- Use the Run Report button.
25Live prepares the report for you to download and save and/or print. You can save or print the report, as needed, from the new screen.