The name of each event in 25Live is a link you can use to view its details. Each event view has sub-sections for:
- Details
- Occurrences
- Calendar
- Schedule
- Task List
- Pricing
- Audit Trail

Each sub-section has controls for:
- Edit Event: an additional, convenient link to enter full event editing mode (See Editing Events)
- More Actions: with options to:
- Refresh: to pull a fresh view of the data
- Help: to access more information about this view
To View Event Details
After clicking on a linked event name, the main details view is displayed. An event summary with the event name, event state, event reference, dates (including repeat occurrences), and location(s) and resource(s) for the event. You can refresh the summary using the refresh icon
in the upper-right of the summary area. A convenient dropdown menu is also available next to the More Actions menu to change the event state.
In this view (depending on your institution's options and your user's security permissions), you may also be able to see information under headings for:
- General
- This section has all of the basic event information, most of it editable inline (see more about inline editing below)
- Tasks Completed
- List of task statistics with a link to "View this event's Task List"
- Event Relationships
- If any, related events with links to view those events' details
- Event Categories
- Categories associated with the event and an "Add" link for adding more categories
- Customer Attributes
- Listing of custom attributes for this event with an "Add a Custom Attribute" option button
- Event Info
- Outline of additional event information including the owner, creating date, reference, cabinet, and folder

Each heading section can be expanded or collapsed using the expand/collapse icon in the heading bar.
Inline Editing of Event Details
Many event details can be quickly edited inline from the details view, including Event Name, Event Title, Event Type and more.
Tip: Changing the Event State from Event Details
Many event sub-sections also have a drop-down near the top to allow you to change the Event State, with appropriate permissions. For more about EventStates, see Choosing an Event State.

Inline Editing Text-Based Fields

For text-based fields, use the edit icon to enter the editing mode, make changes, then use the Save button. The Cancel button is available to exit editing mode without saving changes.
Inline Editing Drop-down Menu Fields
To edit any fields in Event Details displayed as a drop-down menu, simply tap or click on the menu then scroll to select a choice. Some fields, such as Event Type and Organization use a search field to make selecting your choice easier.
Changes will be saved immediately upon closing the menu.
Inline Editing of Attached Files

To remove listed attached files, use the X icon. However, be aware that removing files is an immediate and irreversible action. Use the Choose File button to attach additional files to the event.
Inline Editing Multiple Selections (i.e. Event Categories)
Use the Add link in the Event Categories section to reveal a category list with checkboxes. Select as many as are needed then use the Done button to save your changes.
Inline Editing of Toggled (i.e. Custom Attributes) and Date Based Fields

Fields with a yes/no choice can be set on or off using the sliding toggle. When adding a new custom attribute, you must set the toggle before the attribute is saved as added. Simply tap or click on a date to select a new date. Changes will be saved immediately.
Other Event Detail Sub-sections
Viewing Event Occurrences
In the occurrences view you can see Event Preferences as well as more granular details of locations (and layout of each) and resources (and quantities) assigned to each occurrence. A convenient dropdown menu is also available next to the More Actions menu to change the event state.
To View and Edit Event Preferences

Use the expand/collapse icon to reveal the event preferences, if any have been saved. The Edit link will display Edit buttons you can use to add or remove preferences.
To View and Edit Individual Occurrence Details

The Event Occurrences section provides arrows to expand/collapse occurrence details. As illustrated above, use the arrows on the title line of the event occurrences list to expand/collapse all occurrences, and use the arrows on each line to expand/collapse individual occurrences.
pic #9

Image: The expanded details for an event occurrence also include a display start and end time.
When expanded, each occurrence displays extra details including start and end times, locations and layouts, resources and quantities, and special instructions.
Viewing the Event Calendar
The Calendar view shows you an easy to read grid of days on which this event takes place. This view also allows you to create events by using the create event Create Event icon
in the calendar grid.
Reminder: Expand Your View to Related Events
You can use the Related Events checkbox to expand the displayed results.
To Change the Time Span Displayed in the Calendar View

Image: Use the time span controls to choose how many days display in the Calendar view.
You can choose from three different time span settings in the Calendar view:
To Change the Start Date of the Calendar View

Image: Use the date picker to choose which dates to display in the Calendar view.
You can click on the date to open a date picker. Choose the start date of your 3-Day, Week, or Month display of dates.
Use the arrow Arrow buttons
at the bottom of the calendar grid to move the dated display backward or forward.
Viewing the Event Schedule
The Event Schedule views consist of four main parts:
- Event summary at the top of the view
- Availability toolbar across the top of the schedule availability grid
- Left sidebar: Dates are displayed, spanning 30 days from the selected date
- The availability grid with top column headers showing hours for the selected date
The grid uses color codes to indicate availability and the status of events:

Image: In the above example, the “Northwest Art Awards” event is scheduled from 3:00pm - 5:00pm, shown in green, but the event also has setup/pre-event time and post-event/takedown time, shown in light green.
- Blank/White: Available
- Gray: Closed hours, based on the location's open/closed hours
- Black: A blackout hour
- Green: A normal event with occurrence start and end times
- Light green: Setup/pre-event or post-event/takedown time before and/or after an event time
- Orange/Beige: Location unavailable due to a relationship with another location
- Purple/Gray Slashes: Pending location reservation

Image: You can drag the event block to a new date and time in the Schedule availability grid.
The availability grid also allows you to change the event date and time by dragging the event's colored block within any available grid squares. Check the "Snap To Grid" checkbox above the grid to restrict times to half-hour blocks, or uncheck the checkbox to freely move the event to any time.

Image: Right-click a block to display editing and viewing options.
You may also right-click on a regular occurrence block (in green) to display editing and viewing options for that occurrence.
To Change the Date Displayed in Availability View

Image: Clicking on the date opens the date picker.
To choose a new date (other than the previous or next), click on the date text to open the date picker. Use the arrows on either side of the date to go to the previous or next date.
To Change the Hours Shown in the Grid

Image: Use the slider controls to change the hours displayed in the availability grid.
At the top-left corner of the availability grid are controls for changing which hours are shown. Use the control
icon to open the "Hours Shown" display. Move the sliders along the line to adjust the hours displayed in the grid.
Viewing the Event Task List
A "task" is a To Do item, location/resource assignment request, or approval/FYI notification assigned to one or more 25Live users. Just as with other Event Details sub-sections, there is a convenient event summary at the top of the Task List sub-section. A dropdown menu is also available next to the More Actions menu to change the event state.
In the Task List toolbar you can:
- Check the Related Events checkbox to view tasks for related events
- Use the event state drop-down menu to change the event's state
- Use the View drop-down menu to choose between:
- Viewing All Assigned Tasks (tasks for all users for this event)
- Only Tasks Assigned To You
- Use the same More Actions menu, refresh button, and help icon present on all sub-section views
In the task list, the details of tasks associated with this event (or related events) are displayed. Tap or click on most of the columns to sort by that column header, and tap or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

Image: You can approve all tasks in the list at once by checking items and using the Approve Checked button.
Use the checkboxes in the first column to check individual tasks or the top checkbox to check all tasks. You can then use the Approve Checked or Deny Checked buttons to perform actions on more than one task.
Tip: vCalendar To Dos
If your institution is still using the TCS Series25 Interface, you may sometimes see a Generate Counter link indicating that this event has incomplete vCalendar to do tasks. Use the button to send a reply counter. These issues do not exist when using the newer LYNX Interface. Contact your Account Manager to upgrade to LYNX with many additional benefits. LYNX is free for existing users. See The LYNX Difference information sheet in Customer Resources (sign-in required).

Image: Some fields in the Task List are editable inline.
Some fields, such as dates and comments for eligible tasks assigned to you are editable inline. Simply use the edit icons
to enter the editing mode and tap or click outside of the field to save your changes.
You can also use the appropriate action buttons to complete the task:
- Approve or Deny to complete an approval notification
- Assign or Deny to complete a location or resource assignment request
- Complete or Ignore to complete a To Do task
See Viewing Tasks and Completing Tasks for more.
Viewing Event Pricing

Image: Overview of Pricing view.
Just as with other Event Details views, there is a convenient event summary at the top of the sub-section.
The Pricing view gives you a line item list of all items with columns of details.
To Choose Which Columns Display in List View

Image: Choose Columns button.
Use the Choose Columns button to reveal a list of all available columns. Check the boxes next to any you wish to display.
To Print an Invoice
Use the Print Invoice button to generate an invoice for distribution. See Generating an Invoice for more.
To Edit Pricing
To change event pricing, use the EDIT link. See Viewing and Modifying Event Pricing for more.
Viewing the Event Audit Trail
After the familiar event summary at the top of the Audit Trail sub-section, a sortable list of changes to this event is displayed. Tap or click the Date, User, or Action column headings to sort by those columns. Tap or click the heading again to reverse the sort order.