Using Favorites and Starred Items in 25Live Pro


Starring your favorite events, locations, resources, organizations, and contacts gives you quick access to the objects you work with most often.



Starring your favorite events, locations, resources, organizations, and contacts gives you quick access to the objects you work with most often. 

  • A filled star icon next to an item indicates the item is currently a favorite
  • Tap or click the filled star icon to remove that object from your favorites
  • Tap or click the empty star icon to add that object to your favorites

Starred events, locations, resources, organizations, and contacts are available in a default pre-defined group listed in the Saved Searches choices in the Search section.

Contacts may be starred and unstarred, but only during event creation/editing. You may also star event types as favorites.

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Article ID: 83279
Wed 7/17/19 4:10 PM
Wed 12/13/23 10:44 AM

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25Live is Manhattan College’s web-based event publishing and scheduling software solution. 25Live enables users to view event information in real time and request the use of Manhattan College space 24 hours a day, seven days a week from any connected device.