Creating Events in 25Live Pro


A guide on creating events in 25Live Pro.


Accessing the Online Event Form

You can start creating an event by taking one of the following actions:

  • Using the Event Wizard link in the top navigation bar.


  • Using the Event Wizard link in the More menu in the top navigation bar.


  • Using the Create an Event button on your 25Live home dashboard, if present.


  • Clicking an option in the Find Available Locations area of the 25Live home dashboard to start from a required time or location, if that section is present.


  • Starting the scheduling process from a specific context by making an initial selection in a 25Live view; for example, by selecting the event edit icon:
    • On a date in a calendar view of events (such as within search results or details views)
    • In a time slot in a location availability grid (such as within search results or details views)


  • Using the Create an Event in this Location option in the More Actions menu when Viewing Location Details.
  • Using the Create an Event that uses this Resource option in the More Actions menu when Viewing Resource Details.

Stepping Through the Online Event Form

  1. Enter basic information. 

Enter an Event Name, Event Long Name, and select an Event Type and Primary Organization/Additional Organizations. The Event Name is how the event will appear on web calendars and in searches. Permissions determine which Event Types you can choose from. Some fields in this section will search ahead as you type in them. Use the Next button to continue on each screen.

The online event form shows a green checkmark next to completed required fields.

  1. Enter attendance information and description.

Enter the event’s Expected Head Count, its Registered Head Count if you know it, and Event Description. The expected or registered head count will be used by 25Live to find locations that can hold your event. The Event Description can appear on web calendars if you intend to publish your event. You can elect to use the specified head count to limit search results and/or to hide unavailable locations.

The description field allows you to format text with a variety of options.

  1. Decide if your event repeats.

If the event has only one occurrence, select “No;” if it has more than one occurrence, select “Yes.” 

  1. Enter information about your event’s first occurrence.

Specify the date and times of the first occurrence of the event. If your event occurs on multiple days, you’ll describe how it repeats later. If your event has multiple occurrences that happen at different times, you’ll need to create separate events for each time. You can then connect those events to each other later using Creating Event Relationships functionality.

Use the Additional Time section to add extra time to events.

If the event requires Setup/Pre-Event and/or Post-Event/Takedown time, select the option you need, then set the number of days, hours, or minutes needed. 

System configuration and security determine whether you can use Setup, Pre-Event, Post-Event, and Takedown times for events. Ask your system administrator if you're unable to perform tasks you think should be available to you.

  1. Choose how your event repeats.

If your event has more than one occurrence, select how the event repeats. 25Live allows users to create repeating events/meetings defined as either ad hoc/random dates or as a pattern (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly (with quarterly).

Choosing the repeat pattern for your event determines what you see on later screens.

  1. Define the exact dates of the event.

Use the repeat options to define the event’s repeating pattern or ad hoc dates. Once defined, you see the dates in the Occurrence List at the bottom of the page. You can add comments to individual event occurrences, or cancel individual occurrences, as needed.

For repeating events, the online event form lists all occurrences in a list for easy reference.

  1. Select Location(s).

Select one or more favorite (or starred) locations, or search for suitable locations by location name, saved search, or advanced search. Locations that best fit your headcount appear higher in the returned list. If you’ve searched, choose one or more available locations for your event. As you search for them, 25Live checks automatically for the availability of location(s) at your specified dates/times.

  • A red triangle icon means the location is not available. 
  • A green checkmark icon means the location is available. 
  • A green box with lines inside means the location is in use, but the event that is using it is willing to share the location. 
  • The share  icon is displayed next to a location that's available because it's assigned to an event willing to share.
  • The blackout icon indicates a blackout has been specified for the date/time.
  • The clock icon indicates the date/time violates open/close hours.
  • The yellow warning icon is displayed as a "caution" when you haven't yet selected a date/time; in this circumstance, 25Live can't determine whether a location/resource is available or not.

For events that repeat, if you need to un-assign a location for specific occurrences, choose a different layout, or add setup instructions, click the View and Modify Occurrences link to perform the required task(s).

For single occurrence events, you can assign, add setup instructions, and more in the right column.

If you're the event Scheduler or Requestor and you're able to save your event in a Tentative or Confirmed state, you become the event owner, with the right to editcopy, or delete the event (unless a senior scheduler takes ownership of the event).

Depending on how your 25Live environment has been configured, assigning a location to your event may automatically assign the "Location Scheduler" to the Scheduler contact role for the event, or a Default Scheduler may be assigned based on your security group. (The Location Scheduler is specified for a location in the Administration Utility and displayed in location Details on the 25Live Locations tab.) Your school's business processes determine how you can proceed with submitting your event request when the event is auto-assigned another scheduler.

  1. Select Resource(s).

Select one or more favorite (or starred) resources, or search for resources by resource name, saved search, or advanced search. If you’ve searched, choose one or more available resources for your event. As you search for them, 25Live checks automatically for the availability of resource(s) at your specified dates/times.

For repeating events, click “View and Modify Occurrences” on the right to perform editing and other tasks. For single occurrence events, you can view quantities, add setup instructions, and more in the right column.

The numbers next to each resource tell you the available quantity of the resource.

If you need to adjust the quantity of a resource needed for specific occurrences, un-assign a resource for specific occurrences, or add setup instructions, click View and Modify Occurrences on the right and perform the required task(s). For single occurrence events, you may view resource quantities and add setup instructions in the right-hand column.

  1. Attach file(s), if displayed.

Use the Select File button to optionally attach a file, if your institution has configured and allowed file attachments for events.

 Limitations for attaching files include the following:

    • You can attach up to 5 files
    • Files may not exceed 25MB
    • Allowed file types include:
      • PDF, TXT, RTF
      • JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF
      • DOC, DOCX
      • XSL, XSLX, CSV

Instructions and limitations for attaching files to events are listed on that step of the event form.

You may also use this screen to remove previously attached files from the event.

  1. Enter Custom Attributes, if displayed.

Select and enter values for the custom attributes listed that are pertinent to your event. Custom attributes are different for each instance of 25Live.

  1. Select Contacts.

Select the contacts associated with the event. If you’re not the primary contact for the event, you need to specify who is. To specify a contact, use the drop-down icon, enter a few letters of the contact’s name, and select it when the full name displays. You can also add a name by selecting “Create New…,” and then entering the contact’s “Basic Information” and “Email” address.

  1. Select Categories, Requirements, and Calendars, and add Comments and Notes.

Across the next screens you may see choices for categories, requirements, and calendars, comments, and notes, depending on how your online event form has been customized for your institution and 25Live instance. 

  • Categories:  Select the categories the event belongs to. Categories help other users find events when searching and can determine things, such as whether your event is promoted on web calendars or is student-organized.
  • Requirements: If your event has overall requirements, such as a liquor license or a contract, select the pertinent requirements, and add comments or quantity information as needed.
  • Calendars: If you are promoting your event on one or more web calendars, choose the calendar(s) here, and enter comments as needed.
  • Comments and Notes: Enter appropriate comments and/or notes for the event and keep important information at the top.
    • Event Comments can be seen by most users.
    • Confirmation Notes are shown in Confirmation Reports.
    • Internal Notes can be seen only by people who are event contacts, like Requestor and Scheduler.

Comment and Notes Fields are Limited

Comment and notes fields are limited to approximately 32,000 characters. To prevent truncated text, here are some tips:

  • Refrain from copying entire email threads into a text field. Summarizing email conversations is also best for readability by other users.
  • Limit or omit extremely long HTML code insertions.
  1. Agree to terms and conditions.

Check the “I agree” box. You must agree to the terms and conditions before your event can be saved. 

  1. Choose Event State.

Choose the appropriate state of your event, then use the Save button to finish. 

A few notes about event states (for more details, see Choosing an Event State).

  • You have the option to set your chosen event state as your default for creating new events.
  • You may be required to save your event as a draft, in which case any locations and/or resources you’ve requested will be saved as preferences, not assignments.
  • Tentative and Confirmed events can have assigned locations and resources.
  • The Denied, Cancelled, and Sealed event states are not available for new events and cannot be set as your default event state.
  1. Select a heading (if available in your instance).

Choose the appropriate heading for your event. The heading determines the context for event storage and the access rights to the event by various 25Live security groups.

Selecting "I Don't Know"

If you select “I Don’t Know,” your event will be saved as a Draft, and location and resource assignments will be removed, but saved as preferences until the Draft state is changed.

Also, remember your event creation environment may not include all the fields mentioned, depending on how 25Live has been set up for your security group and instance.

  1. Save your event.

Use the Save button to complete event creation.

Additional Event Creation Tips

  • Once you're in the scheduling environment, you can use the links in the left-hand column for any field name or value to return to that section.
  • To add to the event an organization or an individual that doesn't yet exist in the database, choose "Create New..." in the "Find by..." options when you're editing Organizations or event Contacts.
  • Text entered in the Description field may be displayed in 25Live Publisher calendars. Text entered as Confirmation Notes appears in the Confirmation report generated for the event. You may be able to add confidential notes directed only to other individuals with a role in the event; special functional security controls access to comments entered in the Internal Notes field.

Availability Tips

  • Select the "Show only my authorized locations that have no time conflicts" option beneath the list of search results and click Refresh to see only locations or resources that are available for all occurrences of the event.
  • You can click a selected location/resource name to open the location/resource availability grid to learn more about schedule details and options.
  • If your event has multiple occurrences, you can customize location or resource assignments by removing the selection from specific date(s) or by specifying location layout or resource quantity by date and whether you're willing to share a location on a particular date.
  • You can also add instructions to location/resource assignments by date; the instructions (and any other occurrence-specific modifications) are saved even when a location/resource is saved as a preference only.
  • A selected location or resource appears as a pending assignment in event details and in the location/resource availability grid until you save or close the event.

Tips on Finishing Event Creation

  • After saving your event, the What's Next section will display options to view the event details, edit the event again, or copy the event. 
  • When you submit an event with a location or resource that you don't have permission to assign, the Event Preferences area in the Occurrences tab of the event details view lets you know that the assignment has been saved as a preference and an assignment task request has been issued for the item.
  • When you save an event in the Draft state, any location or resource assignments are saved as event preferences only. The locations or resources themselves are released for other assignments.
  • The event reference number is displayed when the event is saved. You can use this later to quickly find the event.

Related Topics

Creating Repeating Events

For more help, please contact ITS at or 718-862-7973.



Article ID: 83284
Wed 7/17/19 4:30 PM
Wed 12/13/23 10:44 AM

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25Live is Manhattan College’s web-based event publishing and scheduling software solution. 25Live enables users to view event information in real time and request the use of Manhattan College space 24 hours a day, seven days a week from any connected device.