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Instructions for applying to get a New York Public Library Card.
Instructions for accessing through the New York Public Library.
This room is a media room for the library. It features a projector, Apple TV, desktop PC with monitor and DVD player for various media needs. The projector and all of the sources: (desktop, laptop, Apple TV, DVD Player) are controlled by the Pixie Control Unit located on the the wall behind the teacher's station.
A web-based printing service that allows quick printing on campus from your own laptop to any public computer lab printer without the need to install any software.
List of the college's web resources that would be most helpful to new students.
A video tutorial on the resources for familiarizing yourself with Manhattan College's web-based faculty activity reporting system.
Links with instructions for how to take a screenshot on common devices. Also, a free software called Jing that allows basic elements to be added on images such as screenshots.
Article explains how LabSeat software allows clients to find an open PC in campus computer labs.
A guide to the podium technology found in O'Malley 100 (Alumni Room).
A guide on tips and troubleshooting for the Jamboards on campus
List of the college's web resources that would be most helpful to new employees.
This guide explains what digital accessibility is and why it is important to ensure an accessible experience for all.